Alien in the Farm

The first game in our studio “Alien in the Farm,” is a horror and alien hunt game for Android and iOS. The objective of this project is to serve as a foundation for our main game “Forbidden Space.” In addition to providing an entertaining experience for our users, we intend to leverage the insights gained, including development time, mechanics studies, and community feedback, to establish a robust development environment. This initiative also serves as a means to raise funds for our new office. We’re adding people names in the game credits and here! read the last paragraph to participate

Image generated by AI just to illustrate the idea that we are building in 3D and unreal engine.

In the game, players will immerse themselves in an little farm in Arizona envolved with mysteries and dangers. The gameplay seamlessly blends action and horror as the player confront challenges to keep aliens and dark creatures contained. 3D low-poly graphics will be used reach a larger public, also we’re shaping the low-poly as our main style for our upcoming game.

Armed with his shovel and things available in his farm, William faces aliens who constantly appear and hide on his farm during several nights, and his only option is to fight to protect his corn field and cows.

Image generated by AI just to illustrate the idea that we are building in 3D and unreal engine.

HARD SPOILER: He discovers that his farm hides intergalactic secrets while exploring the a spacecraft that he took down, he encounters werid machines, unknow techs and dark corridors unveiling a prison of horrors (The spacecraft bigger inside than ouside) Disturbing sounds echo, hinting at the presence of terrifying entities. However, he realizes that the aliens are not foes but protectors against sinister threats. Now, William is tasked with preventing the release of these abominations.

We plan to release the game by the end of February 2024. We already have assets such as houses, creatures, objects, maps, and nature. We are refining all 3D objects to integrate into the Unreal Engine, which takes time due to multiple compilations and troubleshooting. We are gradually releasing game previews on our Instagram feed/stories/channel for our studio followers. Follow us @exabitxr for more constant updates. We’ll also update the album below with new images and videos. All videos posted here are recorded in-game, representing the final graphic quality. However, we’ll continue to improve aspects like lighting animations and mechanics until February, which requires all objects to me compiled.

Join us! Support our future games by contributing $1 or more on our Ko-fi page. Your contribution helps us build a strong development environment and contributes to the success of our projects. WE WILL ADD ALL THE NAMES of who donates in our game credits, panels, and bellow, BE PART OF THAT! You can donate below, in the side button or visit to donate outside of the page. It just take one minute and dont need account, if you can’t donate trought ko-fi you can trought Paypal that accepts all coins worldwide using our email We appreciate your interest in our project!

Tayra Pini

Lucas Breder

Sergio Raphael

Emilia Robinson

Beatriz Morais

Gabrielle Martins